This phrase could summarize the objective of Ada Müller’s project:
This anthropologist observed in numerous trips made to third world countries that it was necessary to lose hope that a sustainable way of living, respectful with nature, could ever return from there.
Chemicals, GMOs, pesticides had gotten there before development.
In 2016, she began a journey back to her origins.
Location of one of the few places in Spain that was depopulated before progress came.
She defined the objective: installation of an ecological apiary in the ideal place to produce perfect honey. Free of any indication of air, water or land contamination.
She found the site in Pineda de la Sierra, surrounded by forest, more than 10 km from any crop made with phytosanitary treatment techniques.
Pure, ancient, forest, and heather honey, scarce due to the limited location and the method of feeding the bees.
The project was presented to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of the Junta de Castilla y León, which had FEDER funds available to help carry out the project.
The result is an absolutely pure and perfect honey. The best honey in the world.